YPD To Sell Ribbons to Fight Breast Cancer



The 2018 Central Washington State Fair opens today in Yakima and the Yakima Police Department (“YPD”) once again will have a booth at the 10-day event. The YPD booth will be across from the Pepsi Plaza and during the entire fair community members will be able to purchase a special pink ribbon to help raise money to fight breast cancer. For $20.00 a ribbon can be purchased, which can be customize to honor a loved one who has battled or is battling cancer.


The special ribbons will then be placed on YPD patrol cars during the month of October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  All of the proceeds will go to the Virginia Mason Memorial Ohana Mammography Center in Yakima.


To find out more about the YPD Ribbon effort contact the Yakima Police Department Community Services at 575-6197 or stop by the YPD boot at the fair.



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