Yakima Police Patrol Sergeant Receives Patriot Award


Yakima Police Sergeant Ryan Wisner was recently honored for his support of the military. The Patriot Award was given out by the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, which is a Department of Defense organization that supports cooperation and coordination between reserve component service members and their civilian employers. Sgt. Wisner was nominated for the award by Yakima Police Officer Matt Sutton, who is a member of Sgt. Wisner’s squad. Officer Sutton was active duty Army for four years and he currently serves in an Army Reserve unit. The ESGR has several awards to recognize employers for their support of their reserve component service members. Officer Sutton nominated his Sergeant for the ESGR Patriot Award, which recognizes supervisors. Sgt. Wisner received the Patriot Award from Mary Miller, ESGR Representative at a short ceremony at the Yakima Police. Department.



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